Uitnodiging meeting Ierland 14-19 mei 2023
De voorzitter van de Ierse DKW Club liep al langer rond om een laagdrempelig evenement te organiseren om zo iedereen op een leuke manier kennis te laten maken met Ierland. Bovendien zal het relatief onbekende merk in Ierland indruk maken bij de bevolking. Daarom nodigt Bill Ryan alle geïnteresseerden uit om van 14 tot 19 mei 2023 een bezoek te brengen aan het midden van Ierland. Centrale plaats van dit evenement is Athlone. Inschrijven is niet nodig. Er wordt geen inschrijfgeld geheven. Bil wil wel graag weten wie er komt. Een email naar hem sturen is voldoende. Hieronder lees je de uitnodiging en meer informatie over dit evenement.
The event will be held in the area around Athlone Co Westmeath Ireland for all DKW Auto Union Audi vehicles over 30 years old .
We have now decided to stay at the Shamrock Lodge hotel for the duration of the event 14=19 of May 2023 . The price will be 50euro per person sharing a room ( plus 30 euro extra for one single person in room ) for bed and breakfast . The cost of dinner per person will be 25 euro for a 3 course meal and 30 euro for a 4 course meal. All Hotel bookings will be made directly with the Hotel by each person to ( Debbie Mullin at reservations (00353906492601) before Jan 27th 2023 . )
There will be no charge to enter this event so it will be free with no gifts given . Some of the activities will be free and some will have a charge and people can decide if they want to partake in each or any activity on the day. We will get a special discount on all activities that we will visit . We have been in contact with the English DKW club and they will be attending and also some people from the German DKW Club along with people from DKW Club Holland . All Countries will be welcome but we would prefer if people would bring their DKW Cars to help make the impression on the people viewing to see some strange cars from a mix of countries, please feel free to tell other clubs from any country that they are welcome also . Please remember to make bookings direct to Shamrock Lodge Hotel before January 27th to guarantee your room in the Hotel .
Beginning on the afternoon of Sunday 14 th of May @ 2 pm at the ( Athlone Audi ) showrooms where entrants will meet up and display their cars and get to know each other for the afternoon until 5 pm. Then all will drive to the Shamrock lodge Hotel to check in and get set up in their rooms . Later have food in the dining room or have some drinks in the Hotel bar
Monday: Depart the Shamrock hotel @9.30am and walk the short 10 Minute walk to Athlone Castle and have a visit there for about 2 hours then close by to the Luan Gallery. In the afternoon (3pm) all will take a cruise on the Viking Ship up the River Shannon for about 2 hours . Later return to Athlone town or Shamrock Lodge Hotel for food .
Tuesday: Leave Hotel @ 9.30 and drive to Clonmacnoise for a visit to this historic site there . Later on continue to Birr Castle and view the grounds and the oldest telescope / once the largest telescope in Europe . Then return back to Athlone (Hotel ) For food ect .
Wednesday: The group will depart Hotel at 9.30 for a trip to Kilbeggen to tour the Old Whiskey Distillery for a whiskey tasting experience . In the afternoon visit a local private Vintage car collection for a viewing of some very rare 100 year old cars . Then back to Athlone for dinner with some entertainment laid on .
Thursday : Leave Hotel @9.30 and call to visit the Derryglad Folk old museum north of the Athlone town and continue on for a scenic drive . Later return to the hotel for farewell drinks and music /sing song
Friday: All will depart Hotel after breakfast and finish of the event.
Best Regards Bill Ryan
Contact 00353868346847 or email
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